Working with Robots

Professor Lionel Robert's research on robot-human interaction in the workplace is expanding the boundaries of computer-mediated communication.
Professor Lionel Robert's research on robot-human interaction in the workplace is expanding the boundaries of computer-mediated communication.
Professor Trena Paulus puts qualitative linguistic methods to new uses analyzing online conversations.
Professor Deborah Chung has been studying the contributions of online citizen journalists and their tensions with professional journalists.
Professor Jannis Androutsopoulos visited Indiana University as part of the celebration of the 40-year anniversary of IU’s partnership with Universität Hamburg.
We are faculty and students at Indiana University who study human communication through digital media. On this website you will find information relating primarily to CMC research at Indiana University, although links to some off-campus events and resources are also provided.
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is the traditionally text-based - and increasingly multimodal - communication that takes place through the Internet, the Web, mobile devices, converged media, and private intranets. CMC dates back to the first email sent in 1972; it includes digital communication in educational, business, governmental, and other institutional and organizational contexts, as well as social and recreational communication. Social media communication is an important type of CMC, due to the enormous popularity of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Currently, AI-mediated communication is reshaping the CMC landscape, raising challenging new research questions and introducing powerful new methods of data collection and analysis.
CMC faculty and courses can be found in a number of departments at IU. Students interested in graduate study in CMC should contact the graduate advisor and/or faculty in the department most relevant to their background and career goals. A list of departments with CMC researchers at IU Bloomington can be found on the Resources page of this website.
Welcome again. We hope you find this site useful.